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Petroleum based catalysts/chemcial

Youngjin corporation is major distirbutor for ENB cataylsts.

ENB is produced from vinyl norbornene, which is made from butadiene and dicyclopentadiene DCPD. DCPD.

C5/C9 aromatic hydrocarbon used in industrial applications. It has a tackifying effect and is suitable for use in paint, printing ink, adhesives, rubber and other areas where tackiness is required




Total 33건 2 페이지
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TEL. 02-529-4693 FAX. 02-529-4697 10, Eonju-ro 30-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Representive:Suk Jae,Lee Business register No.:495-86-00968 Manager:Suk Jae,Lee

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